Friday, August 26, 2011

Currently- August 26, 2011

Into the Wild Nerd Yonder-Julie Halpern (GOD I'm almost done OTL)
The Alchemist's Door-Lisa Goldstein

Sentences of the Week--
1. "Xavier has more abs than you ever will, Edward Cullen!" -- Emily Spats, over deviantART

2. "Save the children! Put the phone through the shredder." -- My dad

There is nothing quotable in ITWNY. Since it was the only thing I could get myself to read this whole week, the reason being that the book makes me want to never read again, I don't have anything to share this week that could inspire the world's enlightenment. There's quite a story behind the first quote. I won't explain Xavier, mostly to keep even more people from fleeing this blog, but he's one of my sci-fi characters who is-- put simply-- completely ripped. The best part is, he doesn't sparkle. Deal with it, fairy boy. The second quote can be found in my Tumblr: I never update that thing, but it's useful for sharing pictures without giving my dA to people I don't like.

Page count--

This week: 194
This semester: 194

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm never looking at mockingbirds the same way again

I would put it in my poetry journal, but I think everything I associate with school in any way is supposed to be negative G rated.

It's from Ted. What more do I have to say?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Into the Bad Book Yonder

     I had always compared the fiction section in the far corner of the school library to a set of gills, as the shelves, which at 5'7" plus a bit in my clunky shoes I can easily see just over, are crammed so tightly together that two people can only squeeze uncomfortably past one another, so my tiny, nagging seed of agoraphobia was urging me to get what I needed and get out before anyone wanted something from the same place I was. It was my little free time before school and I was hunched over like a vulture to peer at the names, specifically "Gaiman," when I happened to glance at a bit of fancy-looking gold letters crammed upright into the space the black spine allowed, reading "The Alchemist's Door."

     I slid the book out of its place. A good portion of the blurb on the back cover was obscured by the library's bar code, but what little I could read, among which were demon, ancient, chaos, magic, and sixteenth century, said it was exactly what I was looking for, and I tucked it under my arm and was about to head off before I remembered what my Etymology teacher told us about our book choices for his class: anything outside our comfort zone. So I paused and once more hunched over, fingers twitching over the spines before they happened upon a purple-and-pink title in a staggered size: "Into the Wild Nerd..." Another library sticker covered the rest. I pulled the book out and examined the hot-pink cover decorated with repeated drawings of a 20-sided die scattered behind another drawing of a corseted dress. Into the Wild Nerd Yonder: My Life on the Dork Side, it said. I scanned the blurb and decided that my selection was sufficiently not what I was looking for, so I left the shelves and checked out my books, fully intent on reading the worse one first.

So. I guess this is a blog.

     Instead of diving headfirst into the book review I'm planning, I might as well not frighten off most of my potential readers after their first glance at this thing and introduce myself. On this wonderful Internet, I am Keotis, Chaos Rose/Rising, or Missing Velociraptor, depending largely on how old or unimaginative I was at the time of the account's creation. If you recognize any of those names, please feel free to send me angry letters and/or window-bricks, especially if I ditched a role play at the last minute.

     My interests include procrastinating on writing short stories until the day of our Creative Writing Club meetings, promising my voice teacher to practice and never getting around to it, being angry at myself for not being able to draw better, thinking about getting around to writing that novel that I may or may not be planning, wishing that I had tried out for that play, feeling guilty about not finishing the craft that my friend asked for a year ago, and just generally being a lazy bum who pretends to be smart by raving about relativity theory like I know something.

     I'm the person who sits in the corner and reads the coffee table books during parties. I'm the person who knows most of the answers but never raises her hand because she's not quite sure and knows better than to speak out of line. I'm the weirdo, the doodler, and the one who writes numbers on her hand so she can have lucid dreams. I am a mental astronaut. I am a general of pens. I am an architect of blanket forts. And here, I am Missing Velociraptor. Welcome to the fort.